Whether you are single or in a relationship, this is a subject that concerns us all. “Self-love” or self-love: a big question… We’re not going to lie, it’s not necessarily the simplest thing in the world! In a hyper-connected world, where we are constantly bombarded with images that embellish reality, it is difficult not to compare ourselves, not to judge ourselves, etc.
Here is my self-love guide to help you develop your self-esteem, with love and respect :)

#1 accept your body and enhance it
We all have complexes - even that person who seems so sure of themselves. Name a part of your body that you like and find how to highlight it (a style of clothing, a color, makeup, jewelry, etc.), puff out your chest, raise your head and you will already feel much more comfortable. comfortable and proud of you! #powerpose
#2 speak kindly to yourself
You are not your negative thoughts! I worked with a coach to find the perfect responses to my imposter syndrome: thanks to this, I was able to unlock my creativity and develop ITO publishing. “I’m proud of you, you can do it, etc.” » Talk to each other gently and encourage each other so as not to give up. Guaranteed result :)
#3 stop comparing yourself
I love this phrase “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. » I invite you to unfollow on the networks all the people who create complexes for you. Behind the perfect photos, the reality is often quite different. I personally feel much better since I did it (+ turn off notifications).

#4 take care of yourself and your energy
Every Sunday, plan time for yourself during the week: sport, treatment, sauna (Belleyme), exhibitions, lunch or evening with friends, etc. This allows you to start the week always having reasons to rejoice!
#5 surround yourself well
To feel good, I like to think that you also need to take care of the energies that revolve around you. Surrounding yourself with kind and positive people who love you and support you unconditionally, in moments of joy as well as in moments of pain, is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
So to you who are reading these lines, I wish you to “accept the great adventure of being [yourself]”! Simone de Beauvoir
Soft hands, a lightly painted mouth, a nimble and assertive step, the body sublimated and armed with a wearable sculpture... Here is my wishlist to feel at my best during the day!