Welcome to POING FORT, the podcast that will give you the weapons of self-confidence. In this first season, 10 guests take off their masks to talk to us frankly about the failures and doubts they had to overcome to achieve their ambitions.
Today, prepare yourself for a particularly moving episode. I am pleased to introduce you to Laure Bourdeau, both a lawyer and a model, whose inspiring career path commands respect and admiration. On my microphone, she shares with us, with touching sincerity, the story of her extraordinary career.
Marked by a childhood turbulent with moves around the globe, Laure is a model child who grew up surrounded by caring and protective parents who pushed her towards success. Passionate about dance and fashion, she will nevertheless choose the voice of law "to make them proud".
Laure then moves to Paris to pursue her master's degree in law and begins working as a model as a student job. Failing the bar exam will lead her to reflect on the reasons for her failure and to design a life in her image, mixing law and modeling.
Laura will have to put this dual career on hold to take care of her mother, who suffers from Charcot's disease. For 3 years, she will be at her side to accompany her in the slow progression of her illness. Laure is now involved in the association Les Invincibles .
Laure was able to face these challenges with courage and humility and she thus offers us a real life lesson, which puts our vision of success into perspective.
Thank you Laure for your confidences and your trust!
MARGAUX: Did you have a role model when you were little?
LAURE: This question is difficult because the only people I wanted to be like were other children. When I arrived in Bergerac, there weren't many mixed-race people with afro hair. In addition, I was relatively the subject of mockery. I wanted to be the others. So I had to be the best. It's the only way I found at the time to have respect.

MARGAUX : You were telling me that you failed your Master 2 in law by one point , I imagine that must have been hard for you since you have this culture of excellence. What state of mind were you in at that time?
LAURE: It was extremely difficult because it was a lot of work. I had invested myself, I had done the private prep school that my parents had financed, I had good results. First failure, but I think that deep down, I knew that the life of a lawyer was difficult in terms of pace. I said to myself: me, who is a workaholic, how am I going to do in this life?
It was the first time I had failed at school. But I understood later why I had failed: I was too academic. Being the perfect person, who respects all the rules and who does not break anything, does not allow you to move forward.
Today, I live the life I want to live. It was really my father who allowed me this transgression. He told me one day: at some point, you have to go to the end of your madness. You only live once.

MARGAUX: How did modeling come into your life?
LAURE: I started modeling at the age of 15, then while I was studying, I sent my application to agencies and started getting contracts, particularly for Lancôme.
I do modeling for passion. When I pose, it's not just to be beautiful. When I pose, I'm in an improvisation and I like to express myself through my body and my movements.
Fashion is an environment where you are judged on your physical appearance. Sometimes, I don't get the job because they simply prefer another girl, and that's how it is. I think that having a perspective on things over which you have no control is essential.
However, I don't necessarily wait to be called. I have ideas that flow and I love to get involved in artistic direction projects.
MARGAUX : Why is Charcot’s disease a cause close to your heart?
LAURE: This cause is very close to my heart, because it is the illness that my mother had. She passed away four months ago, at the age of 64, after a three-year battle. It is a disease that is difficult to detect and inevitably leads to death.
It was important that her morale and spirit were strong. I told her then: Mom, I give you my strength, don't worry. I know all your needs, I know you by heart, I give you my strength, I will give you my strength. Today, I have no regrets because I gave everything and I feel like I made her proud until the end.